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Full moon sunset in a pink sky over a simple landscape

Minimalist Nature Photography | Art Gallery

Beauty & Simplicity in Contemporary Landscape Photography

Simplicity – Minimalist Nature Photography collection is dedicated to the uncomplicated landscapes with very few elements. It explores scenes big and small which are free of detail and rather plain. Sometimes unsophistication can be a higher form of sophisticated art. I believe that they can have a rather powerful effect on the viewer and can often trigger feelings of calm and easiness.

My idea for minimalism in photography struck me all of a sudden on the way back from a family trip. Driving on a highway I caught a glimpse of a full moon over a plain green field. I was immediately captured by this simple, yet powerful scene and immediately envisioned how it might look as a fine art print. For the next hour my imagination came up with all types of minimalist landscape ideas that I could start incorporating into my photography.

While different artists may define minimalist photography differently, I decided on my own guidelines for how I wanted my minimalist images to look. It is a simple formula that I have incorporated into this gallery and am sharing the beauty of our world in the form of simple art.

Thank you for stopping by,

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