A close-up panorama of fall color aspen leaves and foliage

Fall Color & Autumn Photography Pictures

Fall & Autumn Fine Art For Sale Online

The fall colors of the autumn season is probably my favorite time of the year for fine art nature photography. What a gift from God that the deciduous leaves transform in heavenly hues, before they fall off the trees. But it is not only the trees. This glorious transfiguration includes the bushes and shrubs, and even some smaller plants like wild geraniums. Fall color foliage everywhere magically changes in matter of days and gladdens the soul of the onlooker.

When autumn and the fall colors arrive I feel an urge to go out and photograph this phenomenon of beauty. It is almost like nature’s fashion show where trees and leaves display the artistry of God’s hand.

Fall Colors Live Autumn Fine Art

Have you ever pondered what it would be like if the leaves just fell off at the end of summer, while they were still green? The natural cycles would probably still continue to work the exact same way. So then, what is the gain to have a cosmetic change in nature by having the leaves turn into bright fall colors of yellow, orange, and red?

In my research I have not been able to find one. Article after article explains what causes tree leaves to change colors, but no one explains why the process works that way. Therefore, I am even more thankful for this annual ritual that we have the privilege of witnessing. For me personally it is a special time of the year, which I cherish and am grateful for. The fall colors transform the landscape during autumn and literally create live fine art.

Why Leaves Change Colors During the Fall

Opposite of what many think, the real color of leaves is not green. The chemical chlorophyll is what pigments tree leaves in green color. Chlorophyll is what enables the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, which reacts with water and carbon dioxide and ultimately produces sugars, which plants use for food. It is a phenomenal process that is mind boggling.

Therefore, the true color of leaves is not green. The true color is what we get to see during the fall. As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, the chlorophyll levels decrease and the green hues go away. Chlorophyll acts as a color mask. However, once the plant has stopped producing it, the veil is removed and the real leaf color emerges. This fine art photography collection celebrates those stunning colors that we get to enjoy during the fall and autumn season.

Thank you for considering nature photo prints by Lazar Gintchin.

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