11 Ways to Experience the Colorado Fall Colors

Many people go out to see the fall colors in Colorado, but how many truly experience this annual ritual of nature? As a landscape photographer I like to spend a few days every autumn to capture the magnificence of the vibrant foliage. For me those trips used to be all about fine art nature photography, as I tirelessly drove around in an effort to cover as much ground as possible. During my most recent trip however, I decided to slow down and also enjoy the experience. It made a big difference for me as I felt more present and connected with nature and appreciated the fall colors with four of my five senses. How about you? Do you know how to truly enjoy and be present for those temporary and amazingly beautiful moments? Here are some ways you can make the most out of such a trip.


You can experience the Colorado fall colors by intentionally taking your time when you go out in nature. Decide how much time you have and how many places you want to visit in that period, without being in a hurry. Allow yourself to slow down and really be present wherever you go. You may decide that you only have time to visit one location, which is fine. The important part is to engage with your surroundings, disconnect from electronics, and savor the moment and the beauty.


Experience the Colorado fall colors by spending some time alone. Not everyone is comfortable in solitude. If that is you, I would still encourage you to give it a try. Get away from the crowds and find a quiet place among the aspens. Find a beautiful spot. Sit down, or lie on the ground covered with vivid leaves. Just standing still is also fine if that is your preference. Nevertheless, relax, quiet your spirit, empty your thoughts, and just absorb the beauty of nature.

God's Canvas

Bridal Veil Falls | Telluride, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 50


A fall colors drive in Colorado is great, but to really experience the vibrant foliage you really need to take a slow walk in an aspen forest. Venture off of the trail and explore. Wander with no particular goal, other than to see what is around the corner. Take your time. Stop, listen, look, and feel. You may see a big aspen tree trunk fallen down, and forming a bridge over a small ravine. It could be a trunk on the ground, offering a natural bench to rest on. It is possible that you spot bear claw marks on another aspen. Pay attention and discover a small wildlife trail. Or, you may come to an opening in the forest that allows you to see a bigger view of the forest.


Don’t be afraid to experience the Colorado fall colors by being a little child again. Find an area where leaves have fallen and are carpeting the ground. Drag your feet on the forest floor and kick some leaves. Watch them shuffle and listen to their rustling sound. It may seem silly but it is so satisfying and fun to have the brilliance of colors explode under your feet.

Fall Aspen Foliage | Kebler Pass, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PHOTOGRAPH 100


Another way to experience the aspen fall colors in Colorado is by employing your listening skills. There is a reason why the aspen tree (Populus Tremuloides) is often referred to as “quaking aspen”. When the gentle autumn breeze flows through the mountains it makes the colorful aspen leaves tremble. They produce a magical sound which is very calming and soothing. If you hear it, pause and listen. Feel the flow of air and let the sound flow through you. Keep watch and you may see yellow leaves smoothly flying off the branches and falling to the ground.


Experience the Colorado fall colors by your sense of smell. When foliage starts decaying during the autumn season it produces a pleasant sugary smell. It is a smell of ripeness, reminiscent of crops ready for harvest. Leaves produce this smell during decay because their sugars and organic compounds begin to break down. Pay attention, take a few deep breaths through your nose, and enjoy the sweet smell of autumn.


Colorado offers fall colors both closer to the ground and higher in the trees that one can notice and experience. Often people will keep their attention on the tree branches. However, many types of shrubs and small plants change their leaf colors around the same time as the aspen trees. They enrich the beauty of the landscape and provide an additional dimension of color. Don’t forget to examine the forest floor and notice the vibrancy. Conversely, look up at the tree leaves from a low spot. You can do this by lying on the ground, or an aspen log, and gazing upwards. Notice the contrast between sunlit yellow aspen leaves and the saturated blue sky.

Aspen tree trunks with yellow leaves on the ground


Pick up a Colorado aspen leaf in your hand to intimately experience the fall colors. First, notice its elegant shape and gentle feel in your hand. Then hold it up to the sunlight and observe the brilliance of its warm color come to life. Further, marvel at the leaf’s astonishing design and function by looking closely at the intricate network inside it. Ponder the fact that God created these leaves to be superb solar panels, harvesting solar light and converting it into energy. Let it boggle your mind that scientists have been able to increase solar cell electricity production by 50%, simply by mimicking the anatomy of tree leaves.


During your fall colors outing experience you may observe the various shades of aspen bark color in Colorado. Notice that aspen tree trunks bark color can be one of these: yellowish-white, greenish-white, yellowish-gray, gray, or almost white. What is interesting, is that you won’t see a grove of trees with mixed bark colors. They will all have the same shade and tone. A scene that is a bit more rare, but quite striking, is when you find a patch with white aspens. Their bright trunks contrast so well against the vivid colors that it creates one of the prettiest views.


Experience the Colorado fall colors by viewing them in different light settings to see how they change. There are three main scenarios here. One, when the leaves are directly lit by the sun from the front. That means that the sun is behind you and the trees are in front of you. This scenario is the least attractive because it makes the leaf colors bright but a bit dull. Two, when the leaves are lit by the sun from behind. This means that the sun is in front of you, and the trees are between you and the sun. It is amazing to watch as those golden leaves literally shine brightly and display their richness in full brightness. Three, when the leaves are not lit directly by sunlight, but are in the shadow and reflect reflected light. The reflected light source is usually clouds or a nearby mountain slope. This happens early in the morning or late in the evening and is my favorite. In those situations the leaves appear as if they emit a soft light from within and seem to glow against the darker shaded background.

A fall color view of yellow aspens and mountains in the distance


My final suggestion to experience the fall colors in Colorado gives you a more unique perspective. While all of the previous examples give you an up-close and personal encounter, this one allows you to see the bigger picture. And that is, to hike up to a higher elevation and see the aspens from above. It takes more effort but is absolutely worth it. Hike to a mesa, a hill, or a mountain and observe a valley below, carpeted with yellows and oranges. You will see entire groves and a range of colors. You may see narrow streaks among evergreen trees, which will remind you of gold veins. Whatever the combination, my expectation is that you will be impressed.


For those of us living in Colorado, we have been given a gift and a blessing to have the experience of enjoying the wondrous fall colors once a year. It is a precious opportunity to see nature at its best as mountains, trees, and seasons explode in a celebration of beauty. Wherever you are coming from and however long you are staying in the mountains, I hope that your stay is meaningful and refreshing to your soul. I hope you go beyond endless selfies and preoccupation with electronics and social media. Embrace the unique moment to truly experience the wonderful fall colors of Colorado, by genuinely immersing yourself in this spectacular phenomenon.

Divine Culmination

Uncompahgre Peak | Slumgullion Pass, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 200

San Juan Gold

Fall Colors | San Juan Mountains, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 150

Autumn's Peak

Dallas Divide, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 150