Blue ocean abstract panorama with white clouds and white waves - Gintchin Fine Art

Ocean Abstracts Fine Art

Ocean and Seascapes Abstract Photography Prints

Welcome to the Ocean Abstracts Fine Art photography prints gallery by Lazar Gintchin. This collection is intended to bring positive feelings and inspire the viewer. The ocean has a magic capability to bring calmness and a feeling of peace. Its seemingly unsophisticated, yet powerful, presence soothes all of the senses. These captivating abstract ocean landscapes have three ingredients at most: sand, water, and sky. Nevertheless, their combination with different light and weather conditions present endless opportunities for the landscape photographer.

Ocean abstracts fine art is a new expression for me and this collection is a first of its sort. As a photographic artist, it took me over a decade to really experiment with any ocean or seascape abstract photography. However, these images have inspired me in a new way, both while taking and while processing them. Notice that every photograph has a single-word title. I wanted to focus on positive qualities, which may be found in a person’s character. The titles in this collection were inspired by the personal qualities of Christ. They are hard to live by but definitely worth pursuing, especially in a world which has seen so much negativity lately.

The entire Ocean Abstracts Fine Art collection consists of limited edition prints only. Gallery quality large format prints can be purchased directly from this website. All prints are hand-crafted in the USA, produced with high quality materials, and shipped free of charge in the Continental US.

Thank you for visiting Gintchin Fine Art.

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