Maroon Bells Winter Photography: A Trip in Solitude

Maroon Bells winter photography can be quite an exhilarating experience. This Colorado gem is a popular landscape photography destination, especially during the fall. For this reason it can become rather crowded. However, during the winter it can be enjoyed in solitude. In this blog I share my quite special solo experience, which happened on a January morning.

The idea

Previously I had visited Maroon Bells multiple times on photography trips, but never in winter. However, I had the opportunity to be in Aspen on a January weekend, and got inspired to try something I had not done before. Namely, to be at Maroon Lake with my camera gear before sunrise, and to capture an early morning winter panorama.

During the spring, summer, and fall getting there is easy because one can drive up to the lake. However, in the winter the road is closed and the 6 mile stretch has to be traveled by different means. Some people rent snowmobiles. Others travel on foot, with snowshoes, cross-country skis, or fat bikes.

I happen to love cross country skiing and also own a pair of skis. So that was the clear choice for me. The challenge however, was the part where I had to be at the lake at least 30 minutes before sunrise. That meant I had to get up very early and travel in the dark. Hiking or skiing in the dark was something I had done many times before in pursuit of unique fine art nature photography opportunities. For this reason I welcomed this new challenge.

Skiing in the dark

In order to catch my Maroon Bells winter photography opportunity I set my alarm for 4am. However, experiences like this get me excited and my sleep is usually not very deep the night before. Not surprisingly, I happened to wake up at 2:30 am and never fell asleep again. So I just stayed in my bed awake until 4am.

Soon after I was outside and on my skis. It was quiet and calm, and surprisingly not cold. The air was crisp and clean and I could feel my body move smoothly through the dark, even though I had not slept that much. The exhilaration of being in the mountains and feeling nature with my entire body gave me an adrenaline rush.

A winter photography opportunity to capture Maroon Bells was very inspiring. Regardless, I was fully content in that moment and simply enjoyed the experience. On previous trips I would be entirely focused on the landscape photography aspect and would forget to smell the roses. Not on this early morning however. I was present and soaked the adventure.

I had ridden my bike on this road before, but traveling it on skis, and in complete darkness, was a first for me. There was a thick cloud cover and no moon or stars. Some ambient, dim light from the town of Aspen reflected in the clouds behind me. In front of me, to the left of Pyramid Peak, was an open valley. Above its horizon I could see ambient light reflecting in the clouds from Crested Butte.

Every so often I would stop, turn off my headlight, and listen. The only sound I could hear was the water flow of Maroon Creek down below me. Although it was quite dark, the snow made it possible to make out the mountains and the hills. It was a pretty special and unique encounter with nature.

About half an hour before reaching my destination the view opened up. The Maroon Bells silhouettes loomed in front of me in the winter darkness and I appreciated this Colorado landscape photography trip even more. I could see them standing tall as they looked spectacular and unobstructed by clouds.

Maroon Bells Sunrise | Aspen, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 50

Photographing Maroon Bells

Shortly after, I arrived at the lake. By now the early signs of dawn were present and I could see the whole valley and the mountains around me. Just as I was setting up my tripod and camera a wind came out and it became cold very quickly. Therefore, I rushed to put on extra clothes and began moving in order to keep my body warm. I paced back and forth with my skis along the lake side and began waiting for the sunrise.

However, the sunrise I had hoped for never came. The cloud cover was so thick and wide that the rising sun was completely blocked. At that point I began waiting for my Maroon Bells winter photography – plan B. The goal was to wait till later in the morning with hopes that the clouds would break up and the sun would illuminate the impressive mountains. By now the wind had stopped, but I continued to move and enjoy the additional skiing.

At one point I noticed a gorgeous wooden bench right on the side of the snow-covered lake. I sat down and completely relaxed. My body was tired but my spirit was soaring. The air was absolutely still. The only sounds were that of gentle moving water and the occasional crow of a raven. The mountains, the valley, the trees, and the snow were perfectly still. It was as if time had stopped.

I sat, marveled, prayed, and gave thanks. It was a privilege to experience this beauty in such an exclusive way – completely alone in this stunning terrain. This is a moment that one cannot experience with a busy life-style in the city. So I cherished it while it lasted.

Not long after, the sunshine started piercing the clouds. Patches of bright light lingered playfully along the mountain slopes, as the clouds kept moving at a steady pace. The sky slowly started opening up and it was time to capture the beauty of this live panorama.

Maroon Bells | Aspen, Colorado | LIMITED EDITION FINE ART PRINT 50

The trip back

A winter photography experience of Maroon Bells can be very rewarding. Not only because of capturing a striking image, but also because of the views along the way. After spending nearly 3 and a half hours at the lake I started my descent. By now the sun was bright and in full swing. I was effortlessly zooming down on my skis feeling completely elated and joyful.

On my way I saw other people going up and enjoying the breathtaking winter wonderland. I briefly talked to a couple. When I remarked that “it doesn’t get any more beautiful than this”, the man answered: “This is cross-country skiing inside a postcard”. He was right. The views and the weather were so mesmerizing that it is hard to describe with words or pictures. One has to experience it first-hand to know what I am talking about.

I could not help myself and took photography advantage of one more Maroon Bells winter view. It is a composition that most people miss. Therefore, I pulled out the camera again and captured my second fine art landscape photograph that morning. When I named it, the word that came to my mind was “Glorious”. It was what I felt looking at the mountains in real life and it is what I feel looking at the picture afterwards.

Any time I get a chance to be out and appreciate our natural world I am happy. The majestic scenery I often witness is unforgettable and there is no substitute for seeing it firsthand. Nevertheless, I do my best to capture the natural world beauty and bring it to life in high quality landscape photo prints. That way people can own a window to nature in their own home, as wall decor. Enjoy!

Maroon Bells Wall Art Prints For Sale

Maroon Bells prints are now available for purchase as large-format wall art. Elevate your space by ordering an oversized print and completely transform your environment, establishing an impressive focal point on your wall.